20 September 2010

Great Read and other thoughts

I purchased both Writing the Breakout Novel and Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook by Daniel Maass.  They are fabulous!  When I was at B and N the other day I just read the foreword to WtheBN - and I never read forewords - and I was completely inspired!  I had so many thoughts in just those few pages.  Ideas for novels, characters, conflicts, etc.  I read the first few chapters and the story that I had been composting in my head for the past month or so totally took a new turn and a new idea.  I am so excited about it!  It is going to be so much fun to write.  Such a challenge, and so rewarding.

Being in Young Women's has been such a fabulous experience for me.  When we were at girls' camp for whatever reason I started telling "scary stories' to the girls that were awake late at night.  Most of the cabin had fallen asleep, just 3-5 were awake.  While they were ludicrous stories they were so much fun to come up with.  They are fun for us to remember and say "key lines" from them to each other.  All we have to say is "meep" and we all burst out laughing.  We were camping out at the coast a few weekends ago and they talked me into telling them another story.  It is so much fun and such a good brain exercise for me to just come up with a whole story as I'm telling it.  I'd come up with the premise right before I started, but 98% of it was come up with as I was saying it.  Sometimes that was bad, but mostly it was great.  I'd think of it and start laughing before I could even get it out.  I keep telling myself I should try to remember them and write them out.  I highly doubt I'd remember most of them, especially the first one I told at girls' camp.  If anything I could start trying to write some out like that.  Just to get my brain moving and to think on my feet.  It could also help with figuring out how I best work.  Maybe I can come up with premises of stories, but maybe my best work would be complete surprises to even me.  Today I was reminded about the many stories I made up as a kid that were ridiculous.  I'll have to share some of them this week.  I'll have to dig through some of my stuff and type out actual notes and journal entries that I wrote.  You'll break something from laughing at me.  Not because I'm hilarious, but because I was stupid!

Okay, so this post was nothing interesting.  I figured since I had started trying to write here I might as well keep it up. Even if I didn't really have anything to say.

Oh, I'll have to put up some things that my kids have said or done lately.

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