26 August 2008

Donate to Nie Nie

I've seen this around a few blogs recently and never looked at it, until this morning. I am bawling right now about a family I don't even know. Three people were in a plane crash and one, Doug, died. Stephanie and Christian, husband and wife, have survived, but are in critical condition. Christian has 30% of his body burned and Stephanie has 80% of hers burned. They have 4 small children that are being taken care of by Stephanie's sister. If you go to the button on the sidebar you can donate and also see exactly who Stephanie (nie) is. Then you can go to her sister's blog to get updates and to really see how not only the neilsons (stephanie and christian) are, but their whole extended family. I am so grateful and happy to see the outpouring of love for this family. Heavenly Father is truly hearing the many thousands of prayers offered for them every minute. I hope that you'll take the time to look and remember this sweet family as you go about your life. If you have the means, of course, please donate what you can - their hospital bills will be in the millions. There are several blogs holding silent auctions I know one of my favorites, grosgrain, is and she has links to others as well.

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